Many still believe that the best way to find out about a community is to go there in person to check it out. This may be so but given the travel restriction in place there is another way - via the internet.
Yes you can find out a lot about a community and available properties from the comfort and safety of your favourite chair at home.
The internet offers all sorts of information and tools that include Google Maps of the area and google street view to explore the surrounding street and properties. It will give you an idea of the kind of neighbourhood it is. Then you can check social media for comments, feedback and insights about the area. Also check real estate sites for added comments and analysis of properties in the area.
You can also find the best mortgage rate deals online, but ensure that it is the best for you, including additional costs and fees.
You can also attend a virtual auction to bid on a property, in real time. It is better to watch a few auctions first before you get into it, so that you understand and are comfortable with how it all works.
Don’t forget to ask the agent any questions you may have especially the steps involved.
Try using the internet to buy a property but don’t forget to also consult an expert who can provide you with all the latest up-to-date advice.