Taya Parsons

EA to Simon Parsons
Real Estate Agent In Glenorchy

Last updated on Saturday, November 30, 2024 ( More Info)

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About Taya Parsons - Real Estate Agent

I’ve enjoyed working in real estate for about 10-years, and have been with LJ Hooker since 2016. Prior to joining the industry, I held various customer service positions.

I enjoy this role type and have been recognised for my 'can-do' attitude and dedication to providing outstanding customer service.

LJ Hooker Pinnacle Property has provided me with great opportunities and a career path that's incorporated several roles in the business.

This has included working in reception, administration, and rentals before progressing to my current position of executive assistant.

This role supports my husband, Simon Parsons, who is a sales consultant and business partner. I have developed a good understanding of all facets of the business and the real estate industry as a whole.

I’ve renovated a few houses with my husband and have most recently completed our new home build.

I've always had an interest in interiors and property so combining this with my customer service experience to work in the industry felt like a natural transition.

I enjoy spending time with my two young daughters and husband, friends, and extended family.

When I’m not chasing after my girls (or husband!) I love working on interior design projects and heading out for dinner or having a quiet cup of tea, or pinot, in PJs with the latest, binge-worthy, Netflix series.

Properties for Sale and Recently Sold by Taya Parsons, LJ Hooker Pinnacle Property - Glenorchy


1 properties for sale


1 properties for sale

Properties By Taya Parsons

Here are the lists that contain all properties Taya Parsons have sold and listed on realsearch.com.au.

Taya Parsons is a part of team at LJ Hooker Pinnacle Property located at 402 Main Road, GLENORCHY, TAS 7010 has 1 properties for sale.

Property for sale by Taya Parsons
Properties for rent by Taya Parsons
Properties sold by Taya Parsons

Contact Taya Parsons at LJ Hooker Pinnacle Property

Taya Parsons

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